In the Spring of 2015, Minnika Hoggstrom and Ally Moraga both initiated the idea of bringing forth a women’s organization that would emphasize Asian-American awareness to Northern Illinois University. Soon after, Lianne Abellar, Mikaela Billingsley, Therese Falsis, and Ragel Ibarra joined in the efforts to bring alpha Kappa Delta Phi onto their campus. With the pillars of Sisterhood, Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Asian-American awareness in mind; the founding sisters aspired to create a home away from home for women with the same ambitions. With these goals, they hoped to build a sisterhood based on Love and Friendship.
The interest group PLUSH (Promoting Leadership through Unconditional SisterHood) was officially formed and recognized by the university on May 8th, 2016. During the Fall of 2016 and Spring of 2017, the founding sisters Sophia Huang, Jacky Triplitt, Kristy Tutak, and Lucy Vanmanisone joined. Finally in the Fall of 2017, Jaica Mae Samson and Barbara Zalesny joined completing the Celestial Charter Class.
The Charter class committed their unconditional loyalty and respect to each other as well as to all the sisters of alpha Kappa Delta Phi. They dedicated themselves to uphold the integrity of the sorority and its traditions in order to sustain a strong and everlasting foundation for the future of the sisterhood. The Pre-Associate Chapter at Northern Illinois University of alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. was officially established on November 18, 2017. The sorority continues to empower its members to embody the pillars of the sisterhood.